Monday, September 3, 2012

We arrived back in Dartmouth on Tuesday, August 21. Our temple week was shortened due to a trip to Newfoundland. We left on Friday, August 24th. Wednesday and Thursday was making sure that things were up to date at the temple. Sister Vince Vincent and Sister Mary Lee Webster) would run the office in my absence! They did an awesome job. It was hard to leave knowing that Friday and Saturday were the last 2 days before the Temple closed for it's semi-annual cleaning, the days were busy and I'm so thankful to them.

We were asked by President Leavitt to accompany him to St John, Newfoundland for a District Conference there. We would go representing the Temple Presidency. The Robinson's had already left for a trip to the states, and the Webster also left for the states on Saturday. President and Sister Veinot need to remain here as they were in charge of the temple cleaning. I spoke at a Saturday evening meeting, and Elder Edwards spoke at the Sunday session. Elder Edwards also sang- the congregation sang the first to verses of "How Great Thy Art" and he sang the last 2 verses solo! He did a terrific job!

We had an hour+ flight from Halifax to St John. Sister Vincent got up early to have us to the airport on time. She is such a blessing in our lives! She picked us up upon our return also.

President Leavitt was busy with visiting Elder and Sisters and doing District President interviews.

Friday night we prepared to go on a boat tour of the area, out into the North Atlantic, storms prevented our going on Friday night, but we were able to go on Saturday morning. Elder and Sister Pierson, another senior couple that are nearing the end of their mission also came like us. Sister Pierson spoke during the Saturday afternoon meeting with the Relief Society/Primary/Young Women Leaders.

We accompanied the Pierson's on this boat tour, it was kind of a farewell gift to the Pierson's from President Leavitt.

The trip was so very much fun! The North Atlantic was a little bit ruff, we had 3+ foot swells, they tossed around pretty good, but we all held on and laughed alot.  it made me think of what it must have been like for Lehi and Nephi and others that traveled to the Americas by boat.

Saturday afternoon was busy with meetings, and in the evening the members put on a talent show, we all laughed alot and had a great time.

Sunday was the main meeting of the District Conference. The spirit was so strong as these 2 branches met to be taught by their leaders and had time to renew friendships.

Meeting over the Pierson and us went out to do some on land sightseeing! We saw several of the sights that we had seen from the boat tour. Cape Spear is the farthest most eastern place in the Americas. It was windy, but wonderful.
I seem to run out of superlatives to describe Atlantic Canada and its people, everything is wonderful, but we are so very impressed and so in love with both.  Pictures to follow.

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